Millennium Medical

The Truth about Cosmetic Surgery

Nov 4, 2013 @ 05:49 PM — by Hadi Rassael
Tagged with: Cosmetic Surgery Cosmetic Procedure Dr Hadi Rassael

Cosmetic procedures are rapidly becoming a fixture in popular culture. According to, this attention has helped educate the public on many of the benefits of cosmetic surgery, but it also has contributed to the rise of myths surrounding the practice. Here are six popular myths that vanish when faced with facts:


1. Cosmetic Surgeons aren’t Real Doctors

Cosmetic surgeons are required to have the same type of medical degrees as doctors who work in other fields. They combine the large knowledge base obtained from medical school with years of specialized training and experience.

2. Cosmetic Surgery is Only for Women

Appearance plays a large role in professional and personal success. Studies have shown that a healthy and youthful appearance can increase a person’s chances of finding employment. It is no wonder, then, that cosmetic surgery is becoming increasingly prevalent among men. Specifically, men are attracted to laser hair removal, hair restoration, liposuction and Botox.

3. It’s Unsafe to Breast Feed with Breast Implants

Studies have proven that women who have breast implants and breast feed do not pass any harmful effects onto their babies. In fact, due to nutritional value of breast milk, doctors encourage women with or without implants to breast feed.

4. Women Who Have Breast Implants are More Likely to Develop Breast Cancer

This myth has absolutely no basis in science. No evidence has been found that breast implants increase the likelihood of developing cancer. Women with breast implants should still undergo regular breast exams and routine mammograms, because breast cancer poses a very real threat to all women.

5. After Liposuction, All the Fat Will Come Back

Every person has a certain number of fat cells, and this number does not change after birth. Once liposuction removes fat cells from your body, they will never grow back. As always, the remaining fat cells can increase or decrease in size based on diet and exercise.

6. Everyone Becomes Expressionless after Botox

There are risks associated with any surgery. If too much Botox is administered to facial muscles, those muscles may lose the ability to move correctly. However, when Botox is administered correctly, wrinkles are smoothed without any loss to facial expressions. This is why it is important to pick your surgeon as carefully as you would for any surgery.

Dr. Hadi Michael Ressael has been a practicing cosmetic surgeon for more than a decade. He obtained his medical degree from the New York College of Osteopathic Medicine. He currently works at Millennium Medical, located in Washington, D.C., and offers a variety of surgical and non-surgical enhancements. To schedule a consultation with Dr. Rassael, call 301-652-9005.